This is a complimentary, educational event focusing on Medicare benefits. Rich Grawer will be discussing the structure and options available to Medicare recipients. This webinar is purely an educational event. NO specific products will be discussed.
Rich Grawer, former SLU basketball coach and MO educator, is the Medicare resource for IES. Rich has a strong Medicare educational background as well as first hand personal experience. (Rich and his wife are currently on Medicare.)
Rich Grawer not only has the answers to your questions…..but explanations that make sense!
Some of Rich's "Keys to Understanding Medicare" that will be addressed in the webinar :
1) Determine your timing on when to enroll
2) What are late enrollment penalties
3) Do I want or need Medicare?
4) What are the various enrollment periods for Medicare?
5) What are the "Parts (A-B-C-D) of Medicare?
6) What are the differences between Medicare Supplements and Advantage Plans?
7) What is the"IRMAA" , what triggers it -- will I have to pay more
*** This webinar is purely an educational event. NO products are sold. ***
Webinar length: about 60 - 75 minutes
IES - Infinite Educational Strategies
Registration Link
Please contact Sharon with webinar questions: