A-B-C-Ds of Medicare Presented by Rich Grawer

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This is a complimentary, educational webinar focusing on Medicare benefits. Rich Grawer will be discussing the structure and options available to Medicare recipients.

This webinar is purely an educational event. NO specific products will be discussed.

Whether you are approaching Medicare eligibility age, are already there and have questions, or just want to understand the Medicare benefits, this webinar will be an excellent opportunity for you to learn and ask questions.

Link for Rich Grawer's Tuesday, March 16, 2021 at 10 AM  Medicare Webinar:    https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/8016078927454/WN_Zad_LI95QQGRJbcT0Zy-iA

Please contact Sharon at sguy@Ameritime.net with webinar questions.

*This event is sponsored by IES and Ameritime